Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Curiosity Corner - We Have a Winner!

Diane Gaston is the winner. Oh, Lord, Diane. I know just how you found out and I could kick myself. Sigh. You're the winner, no matter your methods. Your loyalty to our blog excuses all and you're certainly a clever puss. A wine cork retriever it is. And you can bet I won't make THAT mistake again! Email me your snail mail and I'll get the dvd out to you pronto. . . good guesses, Kat!  Thanks for playing everyone! Look for a brand new type of contest coming soon. Hint: Sharpen your pencils. 

The first person to correctly identify this item will win a DVD of the Amanda Root/Ciaran Hinds version of Persuasion. Please place your guess by using the "comments" link below this post.  

Please Note: Only registered followers of this blog shall be eligible to win. You may register now by using the link in the right sidebar under "Those Who Call Number One London Home."

Good Luck!


  1. It looks like an antique reach and grab tool;did they even have those?

  2. Could it be a rug beater? It looks a little like one I've seen before.

  3. The competitive nature in me just cannot let this go. So after conferring with the hubby my final and last guess is… Is it an implement to retrieve pickles or olives out of a jar?

  4. I'd say it is a wine cork retriever, but I found out by nefarious computer tricks!

  5. Thanks, Kristine!!! And I guess this is the one and only contest I'll ever win, because you are on to me now!
    Address coming....
