Thursday, October 14, 2010

The British Garden - Hanover Square - New York City

The British Garden in Hanover Square, New York City was created to honor the memories of the 67 British citizens who lost their lives during the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001. The garden, situated in Lower Manhattan, also celebrates the historic ties of friendship between the U.S. and the UK and aims to bring British heritage and arts initiatives into the community and city of New York.

Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip and Mayor Bloomberg of NYC

Here, the Queen cut the ribbon and formally open the British Garden at Hanover Square on June 6, 2010 and she also met families of the 67 Britons who died in the September 11 attacks. “We’re very honored that Her Majesty should take time,” Rodney Johnson, vice-chairman of the garden’s board said. The families meeting her are particularly thrilled.”

Aberdeen Asset Management PLC (“Aberdeen”) has gifted a granite stone from the heart of Royal Deeside in Scotland to the British Garden that replicates the 22- to 26-pound “Braemar” stone which is thrown at
Highland Games across Scotland and the world. The Aberdeen Braemar stone is supported by a specially carved limestone square pyramid plinth which shows the distance from New York City to Aberdeen, Scotland – 3,281 miles.

The garden reflects Britain in its design; with City of London style bollards, paving quarried in Scotland and Wales and benches produced in England which were completed in Northern Ireland. The Garden was designed by Isabel and Julian Bannerman, leading British landscape architects best known for their work for HRH The Prince of Wales and British sculptor Simon Verity undertook the stone carving of the county map of Great Britain.

Prince Harry visited the British Garden and planted a tree on May 29, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love this! I didn't know. One more reason I want to go to NYC
