To commemorate the victory of the British, Austrian, Prussian, Russian forces and their allies over Napoleon, George IV envisioned a splendid banquet hall. The large hall replaced several rooms in the castle and includes many limewood carvings by Grinling Gibbons and his assistants in the 1680's,salvaged from a former chapel. Most of the paintings were executed by Sir Thomas Lawrence, (1769-1830) as commissioned for the Room in Windsor Castle designed by Sir Jeffry Wyatville and completed in the reign of William IV. Unless otherwise indicated, all paintings done by Lawrence or his studio.

Watercolour by  Joseph Nash of the Waterloo Chamber, 1844
Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2014

North Wall, Upper Level

Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angouleme, 1825

Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick, 1848 by William Corden

Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg, later King of the Belgians, 1821

North Wall, Lower Level
Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, 1818

Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, c. 1820

William IV, 1832, by Sir David Wilkie

George III, 1820
This portrait is a copy Lawrence and his studio made based on his painting of George III commissioned by the MPs of the City of Coventry in 1792.

George IV c. 1820

Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, c. 1817

Frederick Duke of York, 1816

East Wall, Upper Level

General Sir James Kempt, 1835 by Robert McInnes

Matvei Ivanovich, Count Platov, 1814

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington 1814-15

Field Marshal Gebhardt von Blucher, 1814

Sir William Congreve, c. 1805-10 by James Lonsdale

East Wall, Lower Level

Charles William, Baron von Humboldt, 1828

George Canning, c. 1830

Henry, 3rd Earl Bathurst, c. 1820

Ernest Frederick, Count Munster, 1820

South Wall, Upper Level

Henry Paget, 2nd Earl of  Uxbridge and 1st Marquess of Anglesey, 1836 by Sir Martin Archer Shee

Alexander Ivanovitch Prince Chernichev, 1818

William II, King of the Netherlands, when Prince of Orange, 1846 by Nicaise de Keyser

South Wall, Lower Level

Ercole, Cardinal Consalvi, 1819

Charles Augustus, Prince Hardenberg, 1818

Tsar Alexander I, 1814-18

Emperor Francis I of Austria, 1818-19 

Frederick William of Prussia, 1814-18

Charles Robert, Count Nesselrode, 1818

Pope Pius VII, 1819

West Wall, Upper Level

General Viscount Hill, c. 1820 by Henry William Pickersgill

Charles X of France, 1825

Charles Philip, Prince Schwartzenberg, 1819

Charles, Archduke of Austria, 1819

Sir Thomas Picton, 1836 by Sir Martin Archer Shee

West Wall, Lower Level

John, Count Capo D'Istria 1818-19

Clemens Lothar Wenzel, Prince Metternich, 1819

Armand Emmanuel, Duke of Richlelieu, 1818

General Theodore Petrovich Uvarov, 1818

Views of the Waterloo Chamber, above and below

Waterloo Chamber, as concert venue

For a virtual tour of the Waterloo Chamber, click here.
