With The Beau Monde in New York City

On Tuesday, June 28, 2011, the Regency chapter of Romance Writers of America, met at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in advance of RWA's national convention. More on the Beau Monde here. The day's activities celebrated the 200th anniversary of the English Regency, which began in 1811 when George, Prince of Wales, became Regent for his incapacitated father, George III.

Mary Jo Putney, Keynote Speaker

The conference was ably arranged by Karen Erickson, chair; along with Isobel Carr, Melissa Golden,
Susan Gee Heino, Mary Gramlich, Kate Pearce, Sally MacKenzie, Janet Mulany and Sharon Sobel. Many more members contributed to the silent auction. We had a fine menu of presentations.

Jo Ferguson spoke on Location: Traveling to England for research.

Janet Mullaney's topic was Saints, Sinners, Slavery and Sugar.

Victoria Hinshaw spoke about the Battle of Waterloo, here showing a slide of Vicky, left, and Kristine with the Duke of Wellington at the battlesite in 2010. 
I missed a picture of Isobel Carr and Delilah Marvelle who spoke on The Culinary World of Regency England, but I caught up with Isobel later at the Literary Signing.  Sorry, Delilah!

Judith Laik told us all about Women Scientists in the late Georgian and early Nineteenth Century periods.

Paula A. Baxter spoke on Setting the Scene: Putting Authentic Period Interiors and Furnishings into Your Writing.

The menu at tea was equally tempting.

Below, a few tables of writers fulfilling two basic purposes of the meeting:  networking and noshing.
Left, our pal Louisa Cornell, and right, Victoria, who prepares to give her earlier talk.
The Beau Monde took a break for the National Literacy Signing, and Sally MacKenzie was ready to meet her fans.
And so was Julia Justiss, another of the 100's of authors who donated their time to benefit  literacy.
At the evening soiree, Beau Monde President Regina Scott prepared to lead the dancing. But where was Reggie, or more properly in true Beau Monde style, Sir Reginald?

More eager dancers, l-r, Sheri (Mysterious Lady), Leslie Carroll, Susan Gee Heino.

And now for a funny picture I found in a file of old RWA stuff.  This was taken at the first Beau Monde Conference held in Dallas in 1996.  A group of us had met at the last Marriott Marquis Hotel RWA conference two years before; we decided we could not arrange much for Hawaii the next year.  So we  organized for a great time in Dallas. The chapter started a pre-conference meeting tradition that continues to the present.   I appear below as The Dowager Duchess, whose late husband left her EVERYTHING because he had fallen in love when he saw the portrait of her long ago (above the bar in the penthouse of the Dallas hotel next to  the balloroom where we met).  Sadly,  the dress was later decorated by a glass of red wine and retired from the fray.
