Windsor June 2010
As we approach our six month anniversary, Victoria and I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their support of Number One London. Judging by the comments and emails we receive, you're enjoying this site, but not half as much as we enjoy blogging! It's really been a labour of love.
When we first started Number One London, one of our goals was to have a place where like minded Georgian, Regency and Victorian history addicts could share research and interesting stories they'd uncovered. We'd like to once more extend the invitation for you to become a guest blogger. Is there a particular area of history you're fascinated by? An unforgettable personality? A little known fact regarding daily life? If so, please share it with the rest of us! We've all got our own particular interests so it's rather nice to have a place to learn about things we wouldn't necesarily research on our own. You might also submit a film or book review or a piece about your own visit to a stately home, museum or other location within the UK.
Furthering the effort to get connected, we've begun running a "real time" Recent Comments list in our left sidebar. Without having to open individual posts and click on the comments links, you can immediately see who's been to Number One London and what they had to say. And we hope you've enjoyed the reaction boxes we added below each post, enabling you to leave a quick reaction with just the tick of a box.
Do you have suggestions or comments regarding the future of Number One London? If so, please use the email link in the left sidebar to email us - or leave your comment below this post. We'd love to hear them.
Once again, thanks so much for your support. Really. You know, Victoria and I each write our posts and then send them onto the web and wonder just who, if anyone, is reading them besides ourselves. I can't tell you how encouraging it is for us to see your comments, reactions and emails.
The Fullerton Sisters, Sir Thomas Lawrence, 1825 |
Victoria here, taking a moment to thank everyone and encourage all of you to contribute your thoughts via a comment or a full-blown post. You wouldn't be here if you weren't a fan of England, British topics and so forth. What do you love to read and where do you dream of going?
I'm sort of addicted to visiting country houses myself, as you may have noticed. Any hints for our next trip? Favorite spots? Someplace you want to re-visit -- or that you would have for your own (if you win the lottery)?
Scotney Castle, Kent |
Tell us all about it. Or just come along while we tell you about our faves -- that's okay too. Cheerio!
Burghley House |