The Latest from London

The sun is shining on Kristine and Victoria here in London.  We have so much to tell and so little time!! But we will relate all the details when we get back and catch our breaths.  It has been a dream visit so far -- garden tours, research visits, bookshops, print shops, plus, of course Apsley House!  And -- would you believe -- the naked bike ride?  Not us of course, though we were witnesses -- huge crowd with police escort. But we'd say most of them should have kept their clothes on.  Not a pretty sight.

Also visited the Victoria and Albert in Love exhibition -- which was jolly good.  And the Army Museum for the Waterloo model.  Yesterday we toured Windsor with Hester Davenport who was kind enough to take us to visit the Queen.  We sat on her lawn.  Well, really she only drove past but she waved at us.  And you too. We will tell all soon.

Cheerio for the moment -- so much to see, so little time.  Luv, K & V